Status 2 Earn 정보
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Quotes Video Status images earning App or upload a video Daily Status Earn Money
How to earn points within the Max Reward app upload Install Quotes Video Status images Reward App & make money?
When user views, like, download Install Quotes Video Status images Reward App or upload a video then they're going to get reward points.
Share your referral code to others and obtain reward points for each user registered together with your reference code.
When the user registers within the application they're going to get reward points
When the user will upload the Install Quotes Video Status images Reward App and when the admin approves the user’s video, that user will get reward points.
If You Invite Someone Than He/She is going to be verified your referral points are going to be count else your referral points not be counted during payout.
Video Upload Guidance:-
Please make sure uploading Install Quotes Video Status images Reward App file name is in multiple languages and there's no space in an Install Quotes Video Status images Reward App file name.
Please follow the instruction on video file size, duration, and format.
How to claim reward points and earn money?
The user must acquire minimum points to say money from reward points.
To claim money from reward points user need to fill the shape and if there's any mistake within the form you submitted, then you've got to fill Contact Us form and therefore the admin will contact the user ASAP
When an admin approves the user's claim for money then the user will get money
Payment Note: -
We will Cut Some Payments from users' income of users not fully Use App by our rules.
If Your Account is Inactive for quite 30 Days you will not Be ready to Claim.
When you share video status to any social media app, the length of the video is going to be trusted by the app you're sharing.
Any misbehavior or any sort of sexual and unnecessary Install Quotes Video Status images Reward App upload will make the admin block your account.
Allow the read and write file permission then you'll be ready to use download, upload, and share
Users can select the payment method when filling the shape to say the cash.
User can upload video only in mp4 format
The spamming report video feature may cause an account ban.
Which Type of Video is Banned?
Don't Upload other platforms’ videos, images, and text to the other Otherwise, Your account is suspended.
Never Invite Fake Users Or don't create Duplicate id's with Online
Please Don't Upload Videos Downloaded from Max Reward App or an equivalent video otherwise you'll be banned.
Don't Upload Portrait Videos to Landscape Type or the other way around and Always choose the proper Category of videos to upload
Don't Upload Videos Which Contains Any Ads, Drugs, Smoking
Don't Upload quite 5 Videos each day otherwise, your account is suspended
How Can We Withdraw Money?
You can withdraw your payment after reaching a minimum payout. you'll Withdraw Following Methods :
Google UPI
Install App2Earn App: Upload Video & Make Money' and explore the entire new universe of Status Videos!
Thank you Very Much