STD Player and Torrent 정보
STD Player is video and audio player with Torrents.
STD Player is video and audio player with Torrents.
It plays video/audio/image files in different formats.
If you want you can use it to create screenshots of video.
It allows you to easily search and open video/audio/image files on your tablet.
Also, if you have large collections of picture files in device folder,
you can just "play" them.
Torrent downloader:
Main window of Torrent Window consists from 2 views:
top view contains all torrents information
and detail view at the bottom shows detail information about selected torrent.
In top toolbar you can apply several filters and select
what type of information you would like to see in detail view:
Torrent Files,
Torrent can have many files and
by default we download all its files.
In order to skip or download 1 file you need these steps:
1 - in Top Toolbar tap button "Views" and select "Files" to open Files view
2 - tap on row to select file you would like to skip
3 - in just selected row tap the cell under "Priority" column( this is second column there )
and that cell usually displays "Normal"
and there will be list of options:
All (with 2 options Download All or Skip All)
In All you can mark all file to download or skip.
Skip means do not download this file
Normal means download file
High means download file faster then Normal
Please notice, that after starting downloading large files,
you can turn off tablet screen to save level of charge,
or switch to other app.
Download will be executed in background mode.
There are 4 ways to add torrents:
1 - Start STD and then in Firefox open some tracker site, for example
On web-page tap on torrent file link. Firefox will load it.
Now you can switch back to STD and see just added torrent file in top view.
Tap on it to select and then use Start from top toolbar to start downloading.
To view last added torrents please apply desc Sorting to column Added in top view (this is 5 column in that view), to sort just click column Header.
2 - If you already have torrent files on your tablet, you can add them using command
"Add torrent files". In case you want to add all torrents from some folder use command "Select Folder with torrent files".
3 - You can add torrent by providing Magnet link.
4 - Also you can enter the URL of torrent file.
To select folder where torrents will be stored use Torrents Section in Settings.