Swachh Mukh Abhiyan 정보
SMA는 전국 구강 건강을 개선하기위한 궁극적 인 목표로 인지도를 높입니다.
Swaachh Mukh Abhiyaan (Clean Mouth Mission), abbreviated as SMA, is a national campaign by Indian Dental Association (IDA) to improve oral health and hygiene and educate Indians about the importance of good oral hygiene.
IDA’s vision 2020 of “leading India to optimal oral health” paves the way for a new model of oral health care, led by dentists in collaboration with a wider range of stakeholders from all sectors of society. We recognize the critical importance of establishing innovative and strategic public-private partnerships in order to realize the same.
We envision a future where everyone enjoys good oral health and consequently general health that contributes to leading a healthy,satisfying life.