The Driving Force 정보
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Linda manages the agenda of your location and makes appointments with large groups of users. This wasn't possible in the past, but in this digital age it is a piece of cake. Visitors give an online indication of when they want to use your facilities and digital hostess Linda does the rest.
Linda checks whether there is still room at the desired moment and otherwise she will move the agenda around a bit to fit in the appointment. Not too much, because Linda likes to keep all your users happy. The result is a perfectly planned agenda of your facilities, with optimal distribution of users.
It takes Linda one glance to see where more visits are available or when it’s likely to get too busy and adjusts the planning accordingly. Naturally, Linda takes into account delays, users who are late or no shows. She then reschedules all appointments at lightning speed to prevent problems.
Linda ensures that everyone can use your facilities in a pleasant way and prevents overloads. Better utilisation in optima forma.
Thank you Linda!