The News Scope 정보
뉴스 범위는 인도 k 뉴스 앱입니다
The News Scope A Unit of Peroscope Media Pvt Ltd is a news web portal which covers current
affairs, various issues, opinions of India. We are independent media and don’t possess any
affiliation from any political, media house, corporates or any other entities. We believe in pursuing
issue based journalism, so we’re contrary in approach/style to many of existing propaganda
We are not regular journalists but a group of amateur writers who pursue the journalism as their
passion & love. Our objective is to fight for truth and to serve our Nation & Culture, and besides
this to expose the anti-national rants. While doing so you may find that our editorial policy is
center-right, but we don’t change our ideology with the replacement of any ruling parties, and
thus we aren’t politically partisan.