V.V.P. Placement 정보
V.V.P. Engg. 대학 학부생들은 캠퍼스 내 모집 활동에 참여할 수 있습니다
V.V.P. Engineering College undergraduates can easily take part in on-campus recruitment drive through V.V.P. Placement.
V.V.P. Placement is an app for the students by the student. It aims towards superintending college placement, so that there is no miss out on any upcoming placement related events.
-Admins can communicate with students through chatbot.
-Notification enabled for last and last two days before the company stops accepting proposals.
-Keep a track on CURRENT years highest in-campus package offered by a company or the highest number of students recruited by a company in “Statistics”.
-Keep a track on PREVIOUS years highest in-campus package offered by a company or the highest number of students recruited by a company in “Legacy”.
-Students can keep up with their colleagues who have applied in a company.
-Regularly locking of the choice makes sure that it isn’t altered unconsciously by the user.