Valorant Mobile.

Valorant Mobile.

Reda's dev
Apr 12, 2023
  • 5.4

    6 리뷰

  • 10.4 MB

    파일 크기

  • Android 5.0+

    Android OS

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Valorant Mobile. 정보

Valorant is a team-based first-person tactical shooter set in the near future.

Valorant Mobile is a free-to-play, first-person tactical shooter game developed by Riot Games. It is a mobile version of the popular PC game, Valorant, which was released in 2020.

In Valorant Mobile, players join a team of five and compete against another team to complete various objectives. The game features a variety of agents, each with their unique abilities and weapons, giving players a diverse range of playstyles to choose from.

The gameplay of Valorant Mobile revolves around strategic planning, communication, and teamwork. Players must use their skills and abilities to outsmart and outplay their opponents, as well as work together to achieve victory.

The game also includes a ranked mode, where players can climb the ranks and earn rewards for their performance. Additionally, Valorant Mobile features a social hub where players can chat with friends, customize their characters, and participate in various events.

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  • Valorant Mobile. 포스터
  • Valorant Mobile. 스크린샷 1
  • Valorant Mobile. 스크린샷 2
  • Valorant Mobile. 스크린샷 3
  • Valorant Mobile. 스크린샷 4
  • Valorant Mobile. 스크린샷 5
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