Volunteer Bridge 정보
방글라데시의 모든 자원 봉사 단체 간의 연결을 구축하는 데 도움이됩니다.
The app "Volunteer Bridge" is like a virtual bridge among any kind of social organization.
Volunteer Bridge ★ ভলান্টিয়ার ব্রীজ
"Help Someone & Be a Great One"
Key Features:
✔Emergency help request.
✔Thousands of Volunteer.
✔Thousands of Organization.
✔Emergency Helpline Services.
✔District wise volunteer searching
Main Features:
✔ Simple and clean user interface make it easy to use.
✔ Find out volunteer through Category or Location.
✔ Post any help request in app to nearby volunteers.
✔ Thousands of volunteers immediately Get a push notification/SMS of your Request.
✔ Get latest update for help request .
✔ Directly contact with volunteer through phone call.
✔ Full Editable Profile of user.
✔ Get notify when you are able to help someone.
✔ Keep in touch with all kind voluntarily organization of Bangladesh.
✔ For emergency situation anyone can contact with the local organization through phone call.
✔ Opportunity to Add Organization .