Weather - Daily Forecast 정보
Weather conditions are updated every minute, and you can check any time.
Weather - Daily Forecast app is a weather channel that supports hourly & daily weather.
This app offers all features including:
- Local weather, up to 120 hours weather details forecast.
- Multiple types of weather radars.
- Up to 40-days weather details forecast.
- Timely weather alerts.
- Beautiful and convenient weather widget and notification bar.
- Minute-level rainfall forecast.
- It's very easy to receive weather conditions for your current location.
No matter where you are, the weather app can provide you with accurate and detailed weather forecast information.
- Beautifully designed and intuitively displayed.
- 24x7 local & national weather info.
- Sun & moon tracker to find sunrise, sunset & phases of the moon.
The app also provides weather conditions, atmospheric pressure, visibility distance, humidity, precipitation in different units, dew point, wind speed and direction, probability of rain in 24 hours.
If you have any problems or suggestions, please contact us at any time.