Wise Air 정보
Wise Air는 세계 유일의 프로그램 가능한 마이크로 프로세서 기반 A.C 에너지 절약기입니다.
Wise Air is the world's only Programmable Microprocessor based A.C Energy Saver. Equipped with Dual sensors for Reading & Display of both Room & and Coil temperature, and also referencing the Ambient Temp, occupancy and Guarantees savings up to 35% while maintaining & Displaying Precise Set Temperature at Paybacks of barely 3-5 months! The Wise Air is the world's most advanced AC SAVER , with all the controls of a Precision AC and available at a mere fraction of the cost!
For Energy Savers to be successful in such a wide range of climates & geographical variations, an intelligent program device is required. The Wise Air delivers, with an impressive 12-point programmable menu and dual intelligent sensors to save electricity while maintaining the Set Room temperature.