WithTravel 정보
호텔 및 아파트를 포함한 일본 내 모든 숙박 시설을 검색하고 비교하십시오.
WithTravel helps you find and compare hotels, ryokan, vacation rentals, and holiday houses all across the world, all at once!
We make it simple to narrow down your search results so you can find the accommodation that's perfect for you.
And, booking through WithTravel will never cost you money!
All you need to do is put in your destination, dates and the number of guests and you'll be shown matching accommodation.
You can narrow down your results by price, facilities and accommodation type to make your search for the perfect place quick and easy.
You can also sort your options by price or distance.
You can even compare location and price right on the map screen so you can find a place that's just right for you.
Along with our search function, you can also use My List to easily repeat your previous searches and find the accommodation you looked for before.
You can also add accommodation to your favorites list which makes it easy to go back to check their prices and which days rooms are available.
Our accommodation supports English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean.
Our application is also available in Thai, Malay, Indonesian and Vietnamese.
We're planning to include even more accommodation and will be expanding into international locations in the near future.
To contact WithTravel,
please visit our site: https://withtravel.org/contact/
or contact us at the email address below.
[email protected] (English and Japanese only)