Yellow Baby Horror Fake Call 정보
Enjoy Yellow Baby Horror Fake Video Call
As a babysitter, you have to deal with some unruly children
This one might be your last night...
How long will you stay in control?
In Yellow Baby Horror Fake Call , the more you play, the harder it will get, can you escape from evil baby? Try your best to get out of there? Or you will be cursed!!
1. Easy to use with simple interface
2. Schedule a fake call
3. Impress your friends fake call from your idol
4. There is 3 template fake call from Whatsapp, Facebook, and Telegram
5. Simulate Fake Call video calling screen as real.
6. You Can use more App.
7. Share app with your friends.
It's horror time for you to challenge your brave and skill. Can you survive Let's try in Yellow Baby Horror Hide & Seek Fake Call