Yuk, Belajar Sholat 정보
This application helps us to learn how to pray 5 times a day
Let's Learn Prayer App is an educational application for all who want to learn to pray. This application helps us learn how to pray 5 times a day.
* Learn to pray 5 times obligatory
1.Ordinances of the morning prayer (complete with qunut reading)
2. Procedure for midday prayer
3.Ordinances of Asr prayer
4. The procedure for maghrib prayer
5. Procedure for evening prayer
* Learn to Pray Sunnah
1. Tahajjud prayer
2. Repentance Prayer
3. Istisqa prayer
4. Hajat Prayer
5. Dhuha Prayer
6. Eid prayer
7. Eid prayer
8. Tahiyatul Mosque Prayer
9. Tarawih Prayer
10. Witr Prayer
11. Bodily Prayer
12. Unseen Prayer
13. Rawatib prayer
14. Istiqoroh prayer
15. Eclipse Prayer
16. Prayer Tasbih
17. Prayer Sunnah Mutlaq
18. Sunnah prayer after ablution
* Feature
+ Basic Guide
+ Learn to pray fardhu
+ Collection of Sunnah Prayers
+ Fard prayer schedule
+ Dhikr & Prayer Collection
+ Collection of Prayers for the Prophet