Memakai saiz bra yang salah boleh membawa kepada kanser payudara, sakit kepala dan payudara kendur
Know you correct bra size using this How to measure Bra size app. Do you know wearing a wrong Size Bra may lead to many physical problems like breast cancer, Lumb formation, Head ache, breast Sagging and much more. Measure your breast size to know your bra size. According to a study, wearing Bra for more than 16 Hours increase Changes of Breast Cancer and Sagging of breast. Breast consist of soft tissue and should not be hold for 24 hours using bra. Help your girl friend to measure their Bra size and gift them this Diwali, Christmas, New Year or Valentine day a New perfect size bra. Do share this app with all the girls and help them know their Bra size. Do rate this app and leave your comments along with rating