Berkala Rajah plus memberikan anda maklumat yang berkaitan dengan unsur-unsur dan sebatian.
This app is a not just a periodic table but periodic table plus that gives you loads of information related to elements and compounds. The latest periodic table has all the elements with name, atomic number, atomic mass, electronic configuration. With the help of colours we have classified elements into alkali metals, transition metals, inner transition metals, post transition metals, non-metals, metalloids, s-Block, p-Block, d-Block, f-Block etc. Other than the latest periodic table app provides you Ka and Kb values of different acids and bases, important periodic properties, list of important indicators, bond energy values, atomic and ionic radii values, electron affinity values, electronegativity values, dipole moment values, electrochemical series, solubility values, Ksp values, Kf values, colours of different compounds, different fundamental physical constants, units and dimensions of different quantities, pH graphs, conductometric titration curves, conversion factor, scientific dictionary.