Profile changes your phone's profiles according to locations and time you saved.
Profilo is a Profile Manager/Profile Changer/Profie Variator.This Profile Manager have different sound profiles or volume profiles.Profile Manager provides Location based profile changer, time based profile changer, voice based profile changer and shake based profile changer.Profile Manager allows your phone to auto change audio profiles. Android phone has three types of audio profiles which are silent, vibrate and normal.Features------------------1) Location based profile variatorThis is the main feature of Profile Manager. You just have to save location via app, name the location and set a profile (silent/vibrate/normal) and let the magic happen. Every time you will go at that place your profile will automatically be changed. You can save as many locations as you want like office, home and bla bla bla. Make sure your location services are enabled in settings. By default it is enabled you can also disable them when you dont need.2) Time based profile variatorThis is a schedular for Profie Manager. Just select the time at which you want change your phone's profile. You can schedule as many profiles as you want.3) Voice based profile variatorProfile variator allows you to change your profile by just speaking to Profilo. Silent, Vibrate and normal are the words which this Profile Manager understands.4) Shake based profile variatorYou can now just shake your phone to silent. Shake mobile once to mute and again to unmute.You can disable shake services from settings if you dont need. Profiles can be edited.Profiles can be deleted.You can delete several profiles at once.