Selamat datang ke Biro Perkahwinan Vidhata
A Marriage Organization for all castes, Arrangement for India Foreign Life-mates. We also invite you to join with us to get a suitable candidate for your life. We assure that we will try our best to solve your this problems & will makes easy the life-mate selection. So that you can aware by his/her family background. After meeting by his/her family background. After meeting you can take proper decision. At organization we provide computerized service to select suitable lifemate, for Indian, NRI, High Educated, Graduate, Low Educated, White blotted, handicapped, unmarried, widower, widow, divorce, candidates we also provides suitable candidates who wish to go abroad with 100% guarantee. Bio data, all kind of religious procedures. Before visit please take prior appointment by phone or mobile so that you can save your valuable time. Best wishes from Vidhata that God-Vidhata will give you all type of happiness. We also invite you to join with us to get a suitable candidate for your life. We assure that we will try our best to solve your this problems & will makes easy the life-mate selection !