Koop uw winkel online - ontvang, vervul en bezorg bestellingen snel
CitySho is an online aggregator of small stores. The objective of CitySho is to create an online presence to small businesses and help them to continue business during these extreme times.This app enables the small business to register their store with no charges. The App is the only way for the small business to get registred and make their shop live on line. The App is designed for general distribution and all small businesses who aspire to sell their goods and services online. The target businesses are grocery, fruits & vegetable, clothes and other essential goods.Before we make it public/general we should be in a position to demonstrate its prowness which is only possible when we make it available on proven, secured , authentic stores like Apple Stores for our target customers to review and download. We look forward to make atleast 20 small time business to avail our services in less than a week's time as they have already made a soft commitment to join us upon seeing the features of the app in the LIVE state. So, would like you to urge to make the app live and facilitate us on board a wide variety of small business. This is for GENERAL distribution NOT for a specific business.