Learn how to make money
You have to "work it"—In order to make money you need to be spending at least 40 hours a week doing activities that either a) make you money immediately and/or b) have a high probability of making you money within the next 12 months. If you want money you have to work, and work here I'm defining as above: 40 hours a week doing something that makes money immediately or has high probability of making you money within the next 12 months. There are no guarantees. If you have a job today making immediate money that doesn't mean you have that same job tomorrow. If you are an entrepeneur then there is not a guarantee that you will make money within 12 months. But you have to be always doing something, for 40 hours a week, that either makes immediate money or you believe has a high probablity that it will make it soon. That is working it. Here's the wonderful magic—If you are doing these three things: letting go of the past and being present now, doing something that other people find valuable, and working it at least 40 hours a week, then you need not worry about earning a living. You will figure it out as you go along. You will change what you are doing when you think of a better idea that will make money. You will get a job as a janitor for 6 months, or teach piano lessons, or become a consultant, or create an online course on how to live on $10 a day...There are endless possibilities. Some will make more money than others, some are more fun than others, some will be total flops. It doesn't matter. There is no one right thing to do. There is no such thing as too late. If you are alive and spend the 40 hours, then you will figure it out. And what you have done or not done in the past doesn't matter a single bit.