Maths 90 is ontwikkeld voor CBSE 10, 11, 12 om wiskunde op een gemakkelijke manier te leren.
Maths 90 is an online education app specially developed for CBSE Board Xth, XIth, and XIIth to teach them the tough topics of mathematics in an easy way. It is a one of kind course material that has been carefully designed for the students to complete the mathematics in a 90-day target. The topics are assorted per day wise with the comprehensive explanation of the subject matter. And many tough topics are explained in a very easy manner. With lots of practice questions and lots of practice tests, the app targets the perfection of the student in a very subtle manner. At present, the courses are offered for mathematics only and they are offered on trial and paid basis. On trial version, few of the chapters are open for all the students, and in paid versions whole of the course of mathematics of that particular class is available. The Course material is available in English as the primary language. The students will find this app very helpful and will get success in mathematics exams. Maths 90 has very soothing colors to catch with so that the user always feels fresh and jubilant over learning.