De meest effectieve manier om te leren en worden bijgewerkt in de geneeskunde
MedLearn is an organization dedicated to improving Medical Education. It is founded by, Dr. Tarek Abdelhamid M.D.; MLitt (Edu). Dr. Tarek is the creator of one of the most advanced models for learning: The Multi-Dimensional Learning Model (MDLM). This model made Dr. Tarek the first person to integrate cognitive psychology and memory studies effectively in the field of Medical Education via Computer assisted instruction (CAI). In MedLearn Dr. Tarek uses his world-class educational models to help both doctors and medical students learn medicine effectively and be updated in different medical disciplines. MedLearn is simply the most comprehensive medical educational program that allows you to learn, study, and be updated in medicine. It will include almost all medical fields such as Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, General Practice, ECG, X-Ray, and many others. It includes video tutorials, digital and Printed Reading Material, Medical Illustrations, Quizzes, Recent Advances, Med News, and much more. It will also include USMLE Preparation Program (Pass-USMLE) that will be available soon. With the exception of the USMLE Preparation Program which will be a paid program, MedLearn material are available freely on the Internet and all over the world.