MEHROTRA BIOTECH PVT. LTD. is opgericht met als doel dienen
MEHROTRA BIOTECH PVT. LTD. has been established with an objective of serving scientific, medical research community and mankind by way of providing good quality products.It endeavours to provide the right of opportunities to those who could make contributions in the field keeping issues like environment, safety and community healthcare at the core.We are in the business of distribution of quality biological research, health care, blood banking products. We are committed to achieve excellence in supplying quality products and total customer care by delivering world class products and services by our professional executives and technically trained engineers.Our performance is only a pointer to our commitment to be a major player in the global market. With the firm eye on the future, we have entered a new market segment that is complete solution for BSL II & BSL III level laboratories as a responsibility towards the society and environment.We have ambitious plans for the years ahead. The emphasis is on the exclusive path to leadership with greater focus on the Biomedical and Biotechnology market across the globe.