Meerdere alarmen - “Geen excuses meer”
Multiple Alarms is an android application, to help its users to be on time for everything. It will help users to set reminders for important meetings, family functions, birthdays, parties, etc. Additionally, it will help them to set multiple alarms of a definite time interval. For example, a person on medications who needs to take medicines for about 5 times a day, after 3 hours of each dose of medicine. This application will help such kind of users by reminding them for taking medicines on time. Not only patients, but also students, professionals, people in sports can use this app and do things on time, without getting late. This application will help users while traveling as well. For users who are travelling can use this application for getting ready on time to catch a flight and reach their destination on time. It will also help them with creating a list of reminders about the events at the place they are visiting, and will help them to not miss any event, or function.