Muziek Rhythm Game houdt uw vingers bewegen op de beat, terwijl je punten te scoren.
Music Rhythm Game for android keeps your fingers moving and your toes tapping to multiple songs in slow, medium, or fast tempo. Touch 5 keys of an on-screen piano keyboard to the beat of cool songs while you score points selecting tunes with a skill level from easy to difficult. Music Rhythm Game android includes the song name, song length, game skill level (one to five stars), and your own personal high score leader board. Small colorful blocks fall down on the keyboard to the rhythm of the music. You get real music to enjoy. At the end of the game, select (1) replay, (2) go to the next track in the catalog, or (3) choose the song you want from within the song collection. Recommended for your tablet. Great on your phone too! Music Rhythm Game features funk, R&B, and world music tracks.