Mijn Rabab is de Rabab-app waar we rabbijn kunnen spelen en rubab kunnen vinden om rabbabonen te vinden
My Rabab is Rabab app where we can play rabab and play rubab find rabab song notes, pushto song notes, urdu song notes, hindi song notes, rabab sargam and rabab teacher contact and rabab academy information , In this app we can play rabab like piano and can create note of song, You can find about more then thousand of song notes, you can find raag diagram and thaat diagram of rabab parda, you can learn online rabab from this app, and have about 100 of sargam offline , so rabab afghani beats is complete software for rabab learner with sohailstar sohail star. you can play rabab in sa re ga ma pa da ne sa or 12345678 , we have research and complete full new notation called star notation in this app so that rabab user can write and create note for rabab , this rabab app is tester by izhar rabab master, amjad malang rabab, waqar atal rabab, hamayoun sakhi rabab, rahman rabab, yousaf janan rabab, and sohail star rabab. rabab or rubab learning and rubab song notes and rubab play rubab beats app...