Ortho TV streeft naar een platform waar video's van conferenties zijn beschikbaar zijn.
Technology has grown rapidly and medical field has harnessed this technological advancement specially to spread knowledge and ad to academics. Ortho TV is one such project that completely relies on technology and ‘Academic Philanthropy’. We believe every speaker in a conference or every author of a paper wishes to share his knowledge with his peers. A lot of hard work and effort goes into preparing these talks and papers but the impact of it quite limited as only delegates of the conference get to benefit from the effort. Ortho TV aims to provide a platform where videos of conferences and talks can be made available to all orthopaedic surgeons across the globe completely free of cost. The hard work and effort of the speakers can reach an international community of orthopaedic surgeons who can benefit. Also this will create a record for posterity both for the speaker and for the conference and its organisers.