Bereken je een rep max door het aansluiten van de vorige gewichten en herhalingen.
Max lifts in any exercise can be neurologically taxing and difficult to recover from. At the same time they may hinder future workouts and fitness progression. However, calculating your estimated max lifts on any exercise with this application is a great way to see tangible progress even if you never test it under a bar. This application utilizes the well-known 'Epley Formula' to precisely calculate your one rep max and uses a simple and sleek design to make sure you aren't too distracted while focusing on your weights. Novice lifters who are not quite as neurologically adapted to exercises are able to track progress by inputting previous lifts using sub-maximal load. Additionally, more advanced users are able to get an accurate estimate of what their capable of and attempt a max lift without overestimating or underestimating themselves. Try out this app for FREE and start getting stronger!