Over Unnati
VNR Unnati is a digital app for Retailer Loyalty Management Program
VNR Unnati is a pathbreaking and innovative Retailer Loyalty Management Program for our valued retail trade partners. This app is an extension of VNR Seeds digital platform for imparting knowledge of VNR product USP, technology and practices to its trade partners. Unnati app is free for registered retailers of VNR Seeds, and they will be able to claim points by scanning QR codes, achieve set milestones and claim rewards. High performing star retailers of the region will be recognized by a dynamically generated list along with fellow retailers.
Unnati is digital direct connect with retailers through notification, new product knowledge, and product campaigns.
What's new in the latest 1.0.8
Unnati APK -informatie
Oude versies van Unnati
Unnati 1.0.8
Unnati 1.0.6
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