Kluczowe etapy rozwoju dziecka podczas noworodka
Having a baby can be an exciting and challenging experience. You want to do everything right to help your baby develop into a healthy and happy toddler, and eventually a happy, productive adult. You may be wondering, however, what you can do to help your baby progress as they should. You can support your baby’s development if you promote mental growth, boost physical development, and encourage social and emotional learning. What are the key milestones during newborn baby development ? This is a free application for parents, carers, family and friends to track the various milestones in a baby's development from birth through the first months of childhood. This application will keep you informed of milestones in your baby's development. Learn when your baby will likely start smiling, learn to sit up, learn to crawl and other changes that bring joy and happiness to mothers, fathers and family the world over and make sharing in a baby's development so special. This free app will be your personal guide. Enjoy my work for free on your phone and tablet. Please if you like this Android app give your opinion