Zarządzanie uprawami rolniczymi dla rolników - কীট-পতংগ আৰু ৰোগৰ আক্ৰমণ
Agriculture Crop Management for farmer in Assamese - কীট-পতংগ আৰু ৰোগৰ আক্ৰমণ .This app include, why a farmer face ,the difference between difficult and impossible problem in Plant and crop disease sector with the climate changes .Plant and crop disease farming encompass a broad multidisciplinary field of biological-based natural, economic, and social sciences .This points are used in the practice of Plant and crop disease involves the study of the science and technology underlying the principles and practices of Plant and crop disease in Assamese. This app contains ,classification of plant diseases, causes of plant diseases , symptoms , biotic and biotic causes of plant diseases, and also we included ,what are the main and common biotic diseases seen in Assam agric sector .