Gra edukacyjna i użytecznym źródłem nauczania dla nauczycieli, rodziców i uczniów
The prime factorization of a number involves breaking that number down to its smallest parts. This game will show you a way to discover the prime factors of any number. A prime number is any number that is only divisible by itself and 1.In this game, the funny teacher selects random three numbers and through a procedure of continuing questions the student is called to find the smallest prime number, who can divide accurately the chosen number every time. Every right answer takes 1 point. According to how many prime numbers must multiply to create the chosen number, the student must answer some questions.We have to make the procedure of Prime Factorization for three numbers and the student must answer all relevant questions. After, the student will know all prime factors of the three numbers and he must find the Least Common Multiple.If he finds the right answer he wins 3 additional points. In the end, the funny teacher will announce at the student the grade. This is a helpful teaching resource for Teachers, Parents and Students.