Powstający dom biznesu, który bierze pełną odpowiedzialność za bezpieczeństwo.
FIREJEET is our own Trademark. Under FIREJEET trademark we have two associate manufacturers. One is making ISI MARKED FIREJEET Brand ABC Type Fire Extinguisher (Multipurpose Type) & second one is making Complete Range of FIREJEET Brand Fire Alarm System like Fire Alarm Panels, Fire Alarm Hooter, Manual Call Box, and Response Indicators & Talk Back System etc. We are well supported in this noble endeavor by a team of diligent and honest professionals who have years of experience behind them. We are constantly looking forward to achieve new goals in the arena of customer satisfaction and bring innovation and dynamism in our product range. Towards this, we undertake various projects and assign a Project Coordinator who makes sure that the work is done as per customers' specifications. We have acquired a vast customer base in a very short span of time and have set our eyes on expanding our business by entering into the arena of Turnkey Projects.