Przywództwo i zintegrowany holistyczny coaching. Starożytna mądrość dla sukcesu dzisiaj
Garbhaham, My Life, My Choices, My Freedom. Our endeavor is to enhance the quality of your life and facilitate you achieve your dreams with joy and happiness. Helping every life we touch get in touch with inner consciousness is our goal. Our vision is to help you connect with your spiritual self by helping you succeed socially, financially in the here and now, by incorporating ancient spiritual science in daily life. “Being yourself’ One quality needed by to succeed and be joyful today. The quantum of conditioning that is happening to the unconscious mind so high that the following confusion exists at all times. Whose Life am I living? Are my choices mine? Yes marketing and advertisement agencies leverage every tactic in the world to subliminally seduce you to choose and consume what they want you to consume. Choices of Food, clothes, relationships, health, fitness – Humans supposed to be the most intelligent species still need to be told what to eat and what to wear. Our goal is to facilitate freedom of choice. Leadership Coaching, Online Meditation, Live Online Meditation Classes, Stress Management Course, Success Today, Life Coaching, Online Yoga Classes, Yoga Online, Yoga Therapy, Mantra Chanting are offered as Pre – Recorded Courses, One on One sessions, Retreats, Coaching sessions. Psychotherapy services with specialization in Past Life Regression, Hypnotherapy, Family Constellations, Psychodrama, NLP, and CBT is offered in direct and Online sessions. The common challenges for which clients get benefitted from us are from Anxiety, Stress, Depression Management, Insomnia, OCD, Fears and Phobias. We help them overcome these with holistic healing processes. The How to succeed by Overcoming Stress, Anxiety and Fear offers customized leaning programs for managing stress, Anxiety, Parenting challenges etc. Self-Empowerment is the goal of any therapeutic process, Sessions. Reversal of Diabetes, Natural Management of Infertility, Menstrual Challenges like Uterine Fibroids – Heavy Bleeding, PCOD etc, Thyroid Problems, Hormonal Disorders are integral to our therapeutic approach. Integrated approach to healing immune compromised disorders like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes, Inflammatory Diseases; management of back pain by helping clients handle diseases like Ankylosing Spondylitis, cervical and other types of spine challenges includes Customized Yoga Therapy with Emotional wellness Programs. Our management programs include offsite and onsite management development programs (MDP) and Out Bound Training Programs (OBT). Integrated Solutions are offered for Team Building, Communication Skills, Leadership Development, Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Resilience, Selling skills, Negotiation Skills, Conflict Management etc. Online Yoga Programs are offered in three different batches by certified Yoga Teachers. The Vairaagya Meditation program is the Online Meditation Program the helps you meditate daily- anytime anywhere with different spiritual contexts.