test inteligencji test App swoją inteligencję
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) The WAIS was initially introduced in 1955 as an alternative to the Binet Scale to measure intelligence in adults. By the 1960's, the WAIS had surpassed even the newer version of the Binet Scale, the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, as the preeminent tool for testing adult intelligence levels. Like the WISC, the WAIS undergoes frequent revision to improve the test and to keep its contents current. Early version measured only verbal and nonverbal intelligence; however, the 2008 version of the WAIS (WAIS-IV) included ten sub-tests that examined many facets of human intellect, including memory. This makes the test a potentially useful instrument in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease. Why Take an IQ Test? For children, taking an IQ test can help parents and teachers make determinations about an individual child's educational course - gifted, standard, or in need of special education. The WISC can provide insights in cognitive functioning that are quantitative and easy to interpret. Testing of this type can also be necessary for certain types of assistance, especially for those children with lower IQ scores. For adults and older teens, WAIS scores are accepted by some high-IQ societies, like the Triple Nine Society, for the purpose of membership. The WAIS subscales can help with career counseling and aptitude. These days, however, few colleges and universities are interested in the IQ score of applicants, preferring other standardized measures and GPA. Adults may also want the information for more personal reasons, including curiosity, self-knowledge, and entertainment. After all, IQ can be a great conversation starter.