Medorism Zdrowie jest mądry i inteligentny aplikacja mobilna.
Medorism Health is a smart and intelligent mobile health platform to easily record, track and monitor your medical records in cloud. It's the perfect replacement for insecure unreliable paper records or various electronic systems that hold bits and pieces of your medical history. You can maintain your health records as images in a secure cloud server repository with an advance and secure encryption technology. Doctor prescription slips, medical bills, lab reports, xrays, insurance documents and all - you can keep centrally in digital form and can manage electronically with this app. Also you can use and share these digitized records with Doctors, facilitators and others when required using this simple yet powerful app. It also can be used effectively to track and monitor your health conditions or vital health parameters and trends both as raw data and visual form, where you will be able to see the trends of your health over time. This App also helps you to track and remind your medication schedules, appointments and help you stick to a healthier lifestyle.