Let's learn narrative text and storytelling
In the future today demanding young generation to always expand their lives.One thing to be controlled to increase the competitiveness in the global market is mastery english.English as international language very important role in industry, trade and education.English is one of the lessons considered tough by students.A method of learning from teachers who still in a conventional, the teacher explained with lectures and students his books, this means that teaching and learning activities less effective.So to support the learning and teaching activity leads to learning interactive media narative text & storytelling english android based.In this application is matter narative text & setorytelling in take away from kisah-kisah legend in indonesia packed in drawings text and sound. This program is also available quiz choice double , fill out a sentence rumpang and true and false .Tools used in making this program is app inventor and corel draw x7 .With this program is expected to help support understanding students to matter narative text , storrytelling and also help students can say pronounciation who good and right .