Nathulal Das Primary Teachers Training Institute oraz Nathulal Das B.Ed College
The supreme motto of spreading education is to reconstruct our national life and bring out its regeneration. The keynote of Mr. Jakir Hossain's dream is to inculcate the sprit of love of liberty and freedom of thought. He emphasizes to root out conservatism, dogmatism and religious fanaticism from the hearts of the students. It is highly commendable that the coterie of Mr. Jakir Hossain are frce from orthodoxical feelings. This Nathulal Das B.Ed college and National English Educational Institute are the brain child of Jakir Hossain, Latifuddin Biswas, Dipak Das, Bibhas Sarkar and Aijuddin Sk. All of them cherish the sacred intention of blooming the flower of refined culture through quality based character building education which will be flourished gradually by the devoted spirits of the trained teachers and thereby Aurangabad will be bathed in the ocean of winnowed wisdom. The people of Aurangabad and its adjacent areas will drink the cup of perfect joyance to the lees. Obviously Aurangabad B.Ed college will be the celebrated centre of education for the coming generation.