QС CAB - Taxis Quebeс
O QС CAB - Taxis Quebeс
Aplikacja Taxis Quebeс pomoże Ci zamówić taksówkę przez Internet
Reliable service helps you to quickly and cheaply reach the airport, the train station or get around the city without unnecessary calls to the service.
- Calling a taxi for multiple addresses
- Instant calculation of the trip cost, mileage, and travel time.
- Convenient travel route adjustment.
- Pay with cash, cards, Google Pay or cashback.
- Calling a taxi of a different class.
- Evaluating drivers and add comments to the completed trips.
- Booking a taxi with additional services: "Air conditioning", "Trip with child", "Empty trunk", "Animal transportation", "Sober driver" - clients' car delivery to the specified destination.
- Calculating the start point by physical location of the client.
- Ordering a taxi "On now" and "On time”
- Order history allows you to repeat the trip or go to the opposite direction quickly.
- Ability to change the cost of the trip.
- Multi-ordering (at the same time you can order a car for yourself and friends).
- Order for another number
- Modern ticket-chat system for convenient communication with customer support.
- Dark or light app theme.
What's new in the latest 5.11.10
Informacje QС CAB - Taxis Quebeс APK
Stare wersje QС CAB - Taxis Quebeс
QС CAB - Taxis Quebeс 5.11.10
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