Moja najbardziej zaawansowana rekonstrukcja 3d, średniowiecznego kościoła chrześcijańskiego
This project is a logical development of my reconstructions, taking into account the current trends of open graphic platforms, providing interactivity in my projects. It contains a completely new reconstruction of the hram recently excavated near the mountain Kilise-Kaya, which is near Sudak. The model, originally created in the newest SketchUp by Ella KN, was then optimized in the open Blender editor, by dissolving the senseless (in terms of geometry and triangulation) vertices and edges. Most textures are based on real photographs, and mostly have normal maps and displacement maps. To illuminate the scene using a single photo-metric light source with the ability to bounce off surfaces up to 9 times (indirect lighting). Interior lighting is provided by dynamic exposure of both chambers, and transcluent materials of window glass. However, to increase compatibility with cross-platform compilation, the target graphics driver is fixed to OpenGL ES3. The innovations of this reconstruction also include built-in help, custom splash (floating), as well as a full-screen saver of loading the scene.