Rozpoznawanie i klasyfikacja leśnych systemów i form próchnicznych.
TerrHum allows to standardize the topsoil (Humipedon) classification and to understand the soil functioning. The full citation reference for this application is as follows: Zanella G., Zanella A., Bronner T., Pousse N., 2021. TerrHum. From: Humusica Applied Soil Ecology Special issues vol. 122a and 122b, Classification updated in 2021. Android version: Bronner T., TerrHum, Google Play, Education; original iOS application: Zanella A., TerrHum, App Store, Education. Translation in French and Italian: Tatti D., Ponge J.-F., Le Bayon R.-C., Chersich S., Stanchi S., Carollo L., Zanella A.