Katalog aplikacji mobilnych zawierający różnorodną biżuterię oferowaną przez klejnoty Trio.
At Trio Jewels, we recognise that we can only maintain the highest levels of quality by holding ourselves to the highest standards. Providing our customers with the latest trends in our rapidly changing industry, we strive to make our products with the utmost care to the environment and the people around us. We manufacture Gold, Diamond and Colour Stone studded Jewellery. Efficiency is our motto and our drive is towards perfection. We consider our clients as the heart of our company thus building personal relationships with them on a firm foundation. We have an established business in the USA, Germany, U.K and France, housing our main customer bases. Our production facilities are state of art and are constantly being upgraded to the latest technology. We have a strong design team with more than 20 designers, CAD and CAM facilities and an exceptional product innovation team. This app is made to make our house companies and customers more connected together and have access to our collections and catalogues on the go.