Aldea เป็นคริสตจักรคริสเตียนก้าวหน้าฝังในเรื่องราวของพระคัมภีร์
Aldea is a progressive Christian church, rooted in the story of scripture. We take the Bible seriously but not always literally. We are a community of spiritual seekers who long to live in the way of Jesus and experience the ongoing presence of God. We are a collective, working to see God’s love, healing, and justice permeate the world around us. We are an open community, welcoming all people and holding love as our highest value. We are an appreciative community, one that values the wisdom of other traditions even as we seek to live faithfully in our own. Downloading this app will let you access the latest messages, our church event calendar,teaching notes, prayer board, directory, as well as a direct link to our website, twitter, and Facebook page and receiving push notifications if you want.