to know all about constipation des bebes
Constipation is an irritating and painful condition, not only for adults, but for babies as well. It is very difficult to see your little one suffering and crying for this disease.Introduction of solid foods in baby food, milk protein or allergy intolerance, consumption of dairy products in large quantities by a mother breastfeeding, powdered milk, and dehydration are some of the main reasons that lead to constipation. Stomach distended, severe abdominal pain, discomfort or crying before passing poo stools, dry and shaped like pellets, and less than 3 stools per week are signs that indicate your neighborhood is constipated. You can not use the same remedies for adults and children to cure constipation, as some remedies that are used for adults can have adverse effects on the health of your toddler. Before opting for home treatment, it is crucial to consider the age of the child.