ธุรกิจ TRUCKMEIN ช่วยให้ผู้จัดส่งสามารถระบุน้ำหนักของพวกเขาได้โดยใช้เทคโนโลยี GPS
Shippers can pinpoint your loads general location by using TRUCKMEIN BUSINESS driver locator. This eases the shippers stress of knowing where their expensive load is and if it’s going to get to its location on time. Cut the cost of GPS trackers by using the drivers cell phone as a way to find out where your load is. Shippers will require the driver to download the TRUCKMEIN free app. After the driver inputs the shippers required information this will allow the shipper to track their load anywhere in the country using the TRUCKMEIN BUSINESS app once the driver accepts the tracking request. The shipper will also have the ability to chat with a driver for more up to date information regarding ETA etc. if necessary.