Афоризмы и Цитаты + Виджет
Афоризмы и Цитаты + Виджет hakkında
The Best Quotes and Quotations - The wisdom of the ages is now always with you.
Thousands of carefully picked and sorted quotations of brilliant thinkers are just one touch away. From Socrates to J.F.K. Einstein’s best quotes, Mahatma Gandhi quotes, love quotes, Bible quotes and verses, and thousands of other inspiring life quotes from famous people. Tons of digital and printed material have been sorted through by our editorial stuff so that only the most interesting and relevant quotations and sayings are presented to you.
Why we are better than other quotation apps:
1. A neat widget on your home screen with a new inspiring quote every 30 minutes.
2. Thousands of our motivational quotes and inspirational sayings are not available in other databases (yes, we dug deep)
3. Minimalistic, functional, yet elegant and inspiring design.
In Quotes and Quotations you will find almost any quote and all the sayings you are looking for: love quotes, motivational quotes, life quotes, bible quotes, Christian quotes. For philosophy buffs, inspired Christians and teens who just look for a fancy status. You want to show you SO how you feel about him or her? – Share any of thousands of love quotes and sayings via Facebook, Instagramm, Twitter or any messaging application. You want to motivate a close friend? – Send him some inspirational quotes of famous thinkers. You are perplexed when your professor is quoting writers and philosophers and you have no clue who they are? – Browse through our huge database of famous quotes and sayings. You want to get closer with your Christian friend? – Find inspiration and wisdom in our bible quotes and verses from the Holy Bible.
Share wisdom with your friends and loved ones! Find your daily dose of motivation and inspire others by sharing the best quotes and aphorisms that you find through any of your social media accounts.
Thanks to our lovely widget every time you check your phone new random quotations will be presented to you. Broaden your horizons on the go. Get inspired by the best of human intellectual heritage. Discover the best quotes of brilliant philosophers, brilliant scientists and musicians every day. You will be amazed at how rich your life will become.
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Новые категории:
- Афоризмы и Цитаты о любви
- Афоризмы и Цитаты про жизнь
- Афоризмы и Цитаты о дружбе
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Афоризмы и Цитаты + Виджет 1.1
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