Hikayeler Mısırlı bir istihbarat subayı Adham Sabry'nin maceralarını anlatıyor
The stories tell the adventures of an Egyptian intelligence officer, Adham Sabry, nicknamed “The Impossible Man”. Adham Sabri is fluent in all martial arts, uses several types of weapons, boats, submarines and airplanes, is fluent in speaking in a number of languages and with different dialects, and possesses a number of other skills such as the superior ability to imitate the accents of the people he meets, disguises and impersonates a character in front of him, and his handsome is admired by many Characters. Adham Sabry faces foreign intelligence conspiracies and threats to his country, Egypt, in adventures roaming around the earth, accompanied by his work team and the most prominent of its members, Qadri and Mona Tawfiq.