3D yükseklik çizgileri oluşturur
Hello there friend,.. i should hope things find you and yours well this Holiday season 2018. Good news is you are in luck, yours truly and the master at rfo-BASIC have been hard at it, working on your gadgetry. so what is this? well, lets say you are wearing the blue hard hat and you are on site and you need a handy dandy 3D representation to explain yourself to the other Architects and Engineers in your social set,.. you chose well and installed this and that is why they paying you the big bucks to interpolate the terrain and decide where things go. so lets be realistic, your phone is not going to load a 100mb USGS file and process it, because that is why they made the ones in the office. but this should come in handy while you are out in the field, in fact all the constuction trailers should soon swear by this program. or lets say you like to go all out and your backyard is tricky and needs a new shed,.. this is your lucky day,. as soon as the snow thaws out you will be out working, walking it off with your cell phone altimeter plugging points into your cell phone interpolator ("go go contours"),.. but until then, a Merry Christmas to you and to all a good night.