Krishna Kooperatif Merkez (KCC) Banka yılı 1915 yılında kuruldu
Krishna Cooperative Central (KCC) Bank was formed in the year 1915 by Sri Dr. Bhogaraju Pattabhi Seetharamaiah at Machilipatnam and Vijayawada Cooperative Central (VCC) Bank was formed by Sri Ayyadevara Kaleswara Rao in the year 1918 at Vijayawada. Consequent to introduction of Single Window Credit Delivery System by the Govt. of A.P in the year 1987, the erstwhile KCC Bank, VCC Bank & 14 erstwhile PADBs were merged and on the principle of one Bank for one revenue district, The Krishna District Co-operative Central Bank Ltd., (Krishna DCCB) started functioning with Machilipatnam as Head Quarters and regional office at vijayawada.