Evren, ilahi enerji sektörü, evrenin antik sembolü oldu
Universe, divine power sector was for the ancient symbol of the universe, the extreme limit, the full power of the supreme deity focus of world primary air, symbolized letter iodine, 10th in the Hebrew alphabet. In India, a symbol of iodine and areas served lotus flower floating on the waters of the mother - the petals of his stack a set of lives who will arise in all their kingdoms of nature. Similarly, the symbol of life serve the ball, the ball, and apple. The Stoics, Pythagoreans and not taxpayers believed that the soul is freed from the body takes the form fields. The symbol of the divine mind serving area is crossed by two transverse stripes, decorated with a crescent moon and seven stars or cut diagonally intersecting the two circles and drive, surrounded by signs of the zodiac.