You think you know plantsm all the Plant Types
alpine noun a small plant that grows on high mountains annual noun biology a plant that grows, reproduces, and dies in the same year bean noun a plant that produces beans bedding plant noun a plant, usually with flowers, that is put in the garden at the beginning of a season and thrown away at the end brassica noun a plant of the genus (=type) to which cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, turnip, and mustard belong bush noun a plant that is smaller than a tree and has many thin branches growing close together cactus noun a plant that grows in deserts and has thick stems and sharp points called spines cereal noun a plant that produces grain, used as food for people and animals climber noun a tall plant that grows by attaching itself to walls, fences, etc. clone noun biology an exact copy of an animal or plant created in a laboratory from the animal’s or plant’s DNA creeper noun a plant with long stems that grow along the ground, around other plants, or up walls crop noun a plant grown for food, usually on a farm cross noun a plant that is the result of mixing two different types to produce a new genetic type dicotyledon noun a plant that produces seeds that develop into two leaves endangered species noun a type of animal or plant that may soon become extinct (=disappear from the world) evergreen noun a tree or plant that does not lose its leaves in winter flower noun a plant that is grown because its flowers are attractive forerunner noun an animal or plant that existed before an animal or plant that it is related to freak of nature an animal or plant that develops physical features that are not normal for its type fungus noun a type of plant without leaves, flowers, or green color that grows mainly in wet places or on decaying substances. There are many different types of fungi, including mushrooms, mildews, yeasts, and molds. grass noun a particular type of grass herb noun a plant used for adding flavor to food or as a medicine